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Depression Therapy

Taking Care of Your Mental Health: Self-Care Tips from Therapists

In today’s fast-paced world, taking care of our mental health has never been more important. With the daily pressures of work, relationships, and personal responsibilities, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and neglect our emotional well-being. However, amidst the chaos, there exists a powerful tool that many overlook – self-care.  In this blog post, we’ll delve […]

Taking Care of Your Mental Health: Self-Care Tips from Therapists Read More »

Anxiety Therapy

Trauma Counseling: A Guide to Healing and Moving Forward

Trauma can impact individuals in profound ways, leaving lasting emotional and psychological scars that hinder their ability to lead fulfilling lives. The journey toward healing from trauma often involves seeking professional help, and trauma counseling has emerged as a crucial tool in this process. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of trauma

Trauma Counseling: A Guide to Healing and Moving Forward Read More »

Top Techniques to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety Managed Through Mindful Practices and Therapy

In the fast-paced world we live in, where demands and expectations seem to increase daily, anxiety has become a prevalent concern for many. The constant pressure to excel in various aspects of life, coupled with uncertainties and challenges, can take a toll on mental well-being. Fortunately, there are effective ways to manage anxiety, and a

Anxiety Managed Through Mindful Practices and Therapy Read More »

Top Techniques to Reduce Anxiety Naturally

Are Self-Harming Teens Finding Healing

Adolescence is a complex and challenging phase of life, marked by emotional turbulence, identity exploration, and a rollercoaster of hormonal changes. For some teenagers, this period becomes even more overwhelming, leading them to engage in self-harming behaviors as a coping mechanism. The alarming rise in self-harm among teens has prompted a closer examination of therapeutic

Are Self-Harming Teens Finding Healing Read More »

breathe in a light

Exploring the Success Rate of DBT Therapy: What to Expect

  Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions, unable to manage the intensity of your feelings, maybe even contemplating harmful actions towards yourself? You’re not alone, and most importantly, there is help. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a well-established and highly effective treatment approach, has shown significant success in helping individuals manage their emotional struggles,

Exploring the Success Rate of DBT Therapy: What to Expect Read More »

kid smiling

Can We Parent Without Shame? Shaelene’s Tips For Empowering Your Child In The Upcoming School Year.

I recently came across a post shared by Glennon Doyle. She overheard a father talking to his child about how deciding to go on a roller coaster is brave, but so is making the decision to not go on a roller coaster. This really grabbed my attention and of course got me thinking about my

Can We Parent Without Shame? Shaelene’s Tips For Empowering Your Child In The Upcoming School Year. Read More »

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